Monday, 12 March 2018

Dynamics CRM - Interview Part-3

Q: - Explain Goal management.
Ans: - In Goal management module mainly Goal, Goal Metrics and Rollup queries entities are used.
Goal management is only place where no form design changes from 2011 to dynamics 365. Still dynamics using same form design for goal management.
The goal management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 lets us set sales, marketing, and other business goals for our organization and measure the results against the targets. The goal management will help us to motivate our work force, identify successful programs, do better planning, and grow our business.

Goal. This gives you the actual figures, whether it is revenue or number of tickets sold.

Goal metric. This tells you how your goal figure is being measured (number versus dollar amount). There are some out of the box goal metrics for Revenue, No. of Product Units, and No. of Cases, but goal metrics can be created for anything you wish to measure.

Rollup field. The goal metric has rollup fields which are the definitions of how we want to calculate actual and estimated values of the goal being measured—in our case, estimated versus actual revenue and estimated versus the actual number of tickets sold.

Goal Type- Dynamics 365 have  two type of goals.
  1. Amount/Revenue/Money
  2. Count

Case Study: - For more understanding of goal management I am taking below case study.

                        Customer service team setting target for customer service executive to resolved cases per quarter.
  1. Click on sales or service from site map area.

2. Select Goal and click on “New” button to create a Goal.

3. New window will open. Now provide Name of your goal.

4. In my case study I am taking case count. So, in Goal metric I am selecting “No. of cases”. This is out-of-box Goal metric.
5. Now set required user in Goal owner.
6. Provide time-period for which you need to set goal.
7. Provide expected value in Target(Integer).

Now your goal almost created, but we need to fill some details in Goal Criteria.

1. Record Set for Rollup if want to use all records select All else for owner select owned by goal owner.
2. If you are using parent-child goal than you can select if parent will participate in rollup calculation or not.

Rollup Query: -
            Rollup query is mainly used you want to select set of records need to participate in rollup calculation based on user filter criteria.  Here I am taking Query for cases which are created by me for actual and all cases for In-progress calculation. 

Goals will automatically be recalculated every 24 hours. A system administrator can alter that time frame to happen more frequently if needed in System Settings. Additionally, clicking the Recalculate button at any time in the command bar will force a recalculation of the selected goal.

You will find some out-of box- chart for Goal. These charts are used to see actual and In-progress value comparison.

I think this blog will give you basic idea about Goal in Dynamics 365. I my next blog I will explain Customer service module.

Field Security Profile - Based on Owner

 Recently received requirement related to Field security profile. Expectation : - 1.       Set to users need access of secure attributes. 2....
