Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Welcome in Dynamics World: Part-3

In my previous blog, I had explained about Solution and webresource link Part2.
In this blog, I will try to focus on Javascript and business rule.

Webresource majorly used in Form customization and Ribbon customization. We can also use Javascript in HTML also. Developer can also use Jquery in HTML.
It is not recommended to use Jquery in Form and Ribbon customization.

Form customization: -
                                    Dynamics CRM provides multiple events for form customization.
Below is list of events supported by CRM.
·         OnLoad
The OnLoad event occurs after the form has loaded. It cannot prevent the window from loading. Use the OnLoad event to apply logic about how the form should be displayed, to set properties on fields, and interact with other page elements.

·         OnSave (event occurs when)

·         The user clicks the save  button in the lower right corner of the form, even when there is no changed data to be saved.
·         Code executes the Xrm.Page.data.entity.save method, even when there is no changed data to be saved.
·         The user navigates away from the form and there is unsaved data in the form.
·         With auto-save is enabled, 30 seconds after data has changed and there is unsaved data in the form.
·         Code executes the Xrm.Page.data.save method and there is unsaved data in the form.
·         Code executes the Xrm.Page.data.refresh method passing a true value as the first parameter and there is unsaved data in the form.

·         TabStateChange
The TabStateChange event occurs when the DisplayState of the tab changes
due to user interaction or when the setDisplayState method is applied in code. Use this event when you wish to change the src property of an IFRAME within the tab.

·         OnChange
      The OnChange event usually occurs when the data in a form field has changed and focus is lost.
Business Rule: -
Dynamics CRM 2013 onwards Business rule was introduced and Microsoft enriching its
capability with each rollup and new version. Business rules can be created from graphical interface and dynamics 365 in backend created client script to run configured actions. Business rule cannot replace need to Javascript but it can help to avoid writing Javascript for simpler action like setting attribute value in form based on some conditions. Make sure if you are using both Javascript and Business rule it should not clash. If you face such situation avoid using business and implement your all logic in Javascript.
Javascript have all the capability that we can achieve from Business rule except business rule scope can be Entity. This means that you do not need the CRM form for the rules to be executed. It can also be executed when you do updates to a record programmatically like the concept of Workflows and Plugins. In this aspect, it behaves like the Plugins and Workflows. 
How to create business rule: -

                                                Open your solution and go to your entity and select Business rule then click on new button.

It will open Business rule interface. All screenshots are based on Dynamics 365 it may vary for other versions of Dynamics CRM.

You can use Business rule for below action: -
·         Lock/Unlock field
·         Recommendation
·         Show error message
·         Set default value
·         Set field value
·         Set field as business required true or false
·         Set field visibility as true or false.
You can also use “Business Process” in business rule conditions. I will explain about “Business rule” in my coming blogs.

Ribbon customization: -

                                    In Dynamics crm top toolbar which contains all buttons are known as “Ribbon”. In web application, this is all know as “Command Bar”.  When you will start working with Dynamics CRM you will see ribbon at different place like main Grid, Sub grid, Form Dashboard, Advance find, Chart, Web resource etc.

All these buttons follow same concepts as all have below component: -

·         Enable rules: Specifies when a specific ribbon control is enabled
·         Display rules: Specifies when a specific ribbon element is visible
·         Action: Specifies what code executes when a ribbon control is used
Ribbon customization is based on XML structure
        <CustomActions />
          <RibbonTemplates Id="Mscrm.Templates"></RibbonTemplates>
        <CommandDefinitions />
          <TabDisplayRules />
          <DisplayRules />
          <EnableRules />
        <LocLabels />

Case Study: Create a custom button to call alert function of Javascript webresource.

Create a solution and create new entity named “demo’. Create a Javascript webresource name “demo” in solution and add function.
function OnbuttonClick()
Click on “Publish All Customization”.
Use “Ribbon Workbench” plugin of Xrmtoolbox to add buttons in Dynamics CRM Form, grid etc.

Use latest version of “Ribbon Workbench”.

Add new button named “Demo” in Account form by drag and drop. Shown as image below.

After adding button add a command. In your command select your JavaScript web resource. And mention your function name as shown in below image.

Copy command name and go to your button and select this command and paste command in “CommandCore” textbox.

After this click on publish button.  Now when you check your account form after refresh press (ctrl+r) you will see “Demo” button as shown below. When user click on this button alert message will display.
Now I am sharing other capability of ribbon customization for your button.

Toolbox: - User can add multiple type of buttons in Dynamics CRM.
Standard Button.
                        Standard button is a button in which user can click on perform action based on command definition.
Flyout Button: -
                        Flyout button is a container of buttons. You can add multiple standard button in Flyout button. To add buttons in Flyout you need to add menu section first in flyout button. If you add any command in Flyout button it will not work. You need to add command in its drop down standard buttons.
Split Button: -
                        A Split Button is a cross between a Button and a Fly Out Anchor in that it can be clicked, or a sub-item selected from it's drop down menu.
Group: -
            You are allowed to create your own group and add button to your group.

·         You can add button for Dynamics CRM Web client and tablet also.

You can also add button in Home grid, Sub grid and Form.

·         With the help of “Ribbon Workbench” you can change out-of-box button functionality. Right click on out-of-box button and select customize option. You can also hide button. If you select Hide option it will hide the button for all users without any condition.

·         You can add image to your button. Supported images size are (16x16 px) and (32x32) px. You also need to add your image as web resource in Dynamics CRM.

Commands: -
                    Commands are the action which run when button is clicked. Command support two kind of action. You are also allowed to add multiple action call in a command.
·         URL action

·         JavaScript Action: -

Action also support parameter for your action call. Below are lists of parameters are supported by action.
·         String
·         Integer
·         Decimal
·         Boolean
·         CRM Parameter.

These parameters are passed as parameter of your JavaScript function.

CRM Parameter is the most important parameter which you can use to use Dynamics CRM built-in capability. Below are lists of CRM parameters. These parameters also used in Display and Enable rule which I will explain further.

Display Rule: -
                  As name said Display rule is used to add criteria to show hide button. Below are the rules that are supported by Display rule. After creation of Display rule, you need to add this rule to your command.

Most of the time we use “FormStateRule” and “EntityPrivilegeRule” to show/hide button based on form state and user privilege. 

Display rule does not support custom code or JavaScript. To use JavaScript function, we need to use Enable rule.

Enable Rule: -
                     Enable rule use same as display rule for handle visibility of button. Below are the lists to supported enable rule. In this list “CustomRule” is most important rule in which you can use your custom code.

In next blog, I will explain about Plugin.

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